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We are all as unique as our DNA and we all have genetic polymorphisms (variances) that alter how we metabolise certain vitamins and the bioavailability of specific micro-nutrients.

Although you can not change your DNA, you can influence how your genes are turned on and off.  Advances in science have studied how we can influence the expression of our genes through nutrition and lifestyle...this is known as nutrigenetics.

DNA Life® health testing can tell us what genes need extra support and how we can support them through nutrition, lifestyle and sometimes targeted supplements 


Your genes never change so you only ever need to do a DNA Life® test once in a lifetime.

dna life test

Why DNA Health testing is the future of healthcare....

We can't change our genes but we can influence how they are expressed.  Nutrigenomics research has shown that individualized diet and lifestyle choices do have a significant effect on the expression of your genes – but this also depends on early detection and appropriate intervention.

I believe everyone should do a DNA health test, and the sooner the better so you can adapt your Nutrition & Lifestyle to work for you based on your unique genes, possibly increasing both your lifespan and more importantly your healthspan too.

DNA Clients Cases...

Susan, 45, Chartered Accountant

"I was a little concerned about the possible side effects and risks so was considering coming off HRT and then I came across this DNA Oestrogen test.  I am so grateful I did, as I discovered from the test I do in fact have some SNPs on my genes that may increases my risk for breast cancer/ovarian cancer if taking HRT.  Needless to say that was my decision made!"
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